
Environment setting (optional)

For using BRIE2, we recommend creating a separated conda environment for easier and cleaner management of dependent packages, particularly TensorFlow and TensorFlow-probability, which are under active development.

The following command line in terminal (Linux or MacOS) will create a conda environment with name TFProb, probably in the path ~/.conda/envs/TFProb:

conda create -n TFProb python=3.7

Alternatively, you can create the environment in another path by replacing -n TFProb with -p ANY_PATH/TFProb to specify the path for conda environment. Then you can check your environment by conda env list and activate the environment by conda activate TFProb or the full path, before start installing brie and other packages.

Easy install

BRIE2 is available on PYPI. To install, type the following command line, and add -U for upgrading:

pip install -U brie

Alternatively, you can install from this GitHub repository for the latest (often development) version by the following command line

pip install -U git+

In either case, if you don’t have write permission for your current Python environment, add --user, but check the previous section above for creating your own conda environment.

GPU usage

One of the key benefits of using TensorFlow backend is its direct support of GPU for substantial speedups (generally >10x). Here is one way to set up GPU configurations with NVIDIA GPU on Ubuntu:

pip install -U tensorflow-gpu
conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit

Make sure that you have compatible versions between tensorflow and NVIDIA CUDA. You can check TF’s test here. For more information on GPU configuration, please refer to the Tensorflow documentation or anaconda GPU.

Once successfully configured, you will see log info like the following when using brie-quant:

$ brie-quant
  I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/]
  Successfully opened dynamic library
  Welcome to brie-quant in BRIE v2.0.5!


At the moment, TensorFlow calls all available GPUs, which is not necessary. You can specify the card (e.g., card 3) by adding the below variable before your command line CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 brie-quant -i my_count.h5ad


In order to test the installation, you could type brie-quant. If successful, you will see the following output.

Welcome to brie-quant in BRIE v2.0.2!

use -h or --help for help on argument.

If you install BRIE successfully, but can’t run it and see the error below, then check whether its directory is added to PATH environment.

brie-quant: command not found

Usually, the directory is ~/.local/bin if you don’t use Anaconda. You could add the path into PATH environment variable, by writing the following line into .profile or .bashrc file.

export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"

If you have any issues, please report them to the issue on brie issues.